Princess On A Page

{April 10, 2008}   I am alive

But so very very tired.  Forgive the lack of blogging.  Between copy edits and insomnia lies madness, and beneath my under eye concealer lies the purplish rings of sleep deprivation.

It hurts.

BUT, the copy edits are done, and I took myself to NYC to deliver them – and took my son and my mom along, too.  We had a great day in the city.  I still have not recovered, though.  Fatigue + insomnia + an entire day walking NYC + more insomnia = Baby Tracy Has Bleeding Eyes.

I am off to write a few pages before I have to go see the TAX MAN, yeah, the tax man.  Then I will return, and once I finish with my primordial wailing over our dearth of funds, I will commence writing fiction until it’s time to go to the driving range and pick up the boy.  All of this I will do whilst stoked on what is likely death hastening quantities of coffee.

So come this summer when I have to Get A Real Job (see the TAX MAN above), I’ll look back on these days when I suffered for my passionate love of writing, when I tried to make a go in the book business, and I won’t remember the bleeding eyes, right?  I’ll look back and I’ll long for these days.  This Day.

So since it’s Thursday, here are 13 things I am grateful for about This Day:

  1. The sun is out.
  2. My daffodils are blooming.
  3. I am here, present, and I can feel the vibration of the fictional world I am creating, ready and urgent.  Today will be a good writing day.
  4. I have three new kinds of incense to play around with while I write, some from a head shop in Greenwich Village, and a provocative scent I found in Chinatown.
  5. My back doesn’t hurt.
  6. I’m going to hit a bucket of balls at the driving range later.
  7. I enjoyed ginger and molasses flavored coffee this morning.  Yum.
  8. I’m making fish on the grill tonight, and so will fire up some roasted veggies, too.  More yum!
  9. I love my kid completely.  I’m really really good at loving him.
  10. I have built-in bookcases.  (Strangely, I’m grateful for this almost every day.  It never gets old.)
  11. I am reading three good books right now, and can hardly choose which one to dip into in the evening.
  12. My husband is an amazing lover.  I’m going to be especially grateful for that tonight.
  13. The scents of cardamom, bergamot, amber, and musk.  I can’t seem to get enough.

Have a good day, people.  Make it count. 


Doug says:

My back doesn’t hurt, either! Must be my 50 minutes on the elliptical trainer.

And we, too, have built-in bookcases. My theory is you can never have too many built-in bookcases.

[…] Tracy’s eyes are bleeding. Either that, or Marilyn Manson just visited her blog. […]

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